The thinking goes like this (spot the flaws):
- Not all human beings have the enzymes to digest unprocessed milk.
- In fact in some races and cultures milk is not drunk in its raw state.
- This means that for those races milk is not a good food. It makes them ill.
- Ergo, milk is not a good or natural food for human beings.
- Therefore all of us should stop using it as a source of nourishment.
There's another bit of the argument which appeals to "nature", and I'll have more to say about that later, because it's another very bad argument, but this one should be kept separate from the one given above.
As any rational being can see, the fact that some people don't have the enzymes to digest lactose does not mean that lactose is damaging to those who do have the necessary digestive juices. On the contrary, if you do have them, milk is a source of nourishment.
Also, it is well known that the races that do generally have the ability to digest milk are the ones who live in places where milk is a crucial part of the diet. For instance in northern climes and in areas of mountain pasture, you cannot grow high protein cereal crops. Humans can't digest grass but cows can. Cows are grazed on the grass and they produce a high energy and high protein yield, namely milk, that enables human beings to survive in those parts of the world, and to secure an adequate intake of vitamin D, calcium and protein. This is essential not just to growing children but to adults and elderly people, to prevent rickets and osteoporosis as well as general malnutrition. So it's not surprising that the lactose enzymes were a survival factor in those populations who live in such climates and in places where pasture is the only way to secure a viable diet. This means it's not just normal but vital for people in this part of the world to use milk and milk products as a staple part of a healthy diet from local resources.
is some more information about the discovery of the importance of vitamin D, and other things you might not know that it helps with.
It's disingenuous (sorry best word I could think of) that you use a picture of a severely malnourished child to illustrate your view that milk is an essential part of the human diet.
A severely malnourished child is going to be deficient in other vital food nutrients - you cannot just say 'Ah no milk look at it's poor legs"
Milk is not configured for humans; it's formulated for the rapid growth of a calf.
Paul, what do you mean by "Milk is not configured for humans; it's formulated for the rapid growth of a calf"? Do you think rice is configured for humans? Or is wheat configured for humans? Or are lentils configured for humans? Or are beefburgers and chips configured for humans? I guess one might say yes to the last of those, but it doesn't make them a very good source of nourishment for the poor child in the picture.
The fact is that had that child had half a pint of full cream cow's milk a day, then, providing the problem was not due to lack of an enzyme for the digestion of cow's milk, the likelihood is that the child would have been healthy and thriving, with an adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, calcium and fat soluble vitamins.
Humans need to eat what provides them with an adequate intake of the crucial nutriments. The fact is that in many localities by far the most useful and secure way to obtain them is by the use of milk products. So much for it "not being formulated for humans"! It's about the most complete and healthy form of nourishment for humans that you can find.
So what do you mean by "it's not configured for humans"? Do you mean it's morally wrong to give milk to children who are malnourished?
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